How to be a High Performing RTO
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) struggle with performance. They must maintain compliance as well as analyse their student outcomes for improvement. To improve the RTO performance, RTO needs feedback and high-quality resources. Are you an RTO looking to become a high achieving RTO and raise the standard of your training and assessment? Keep reading, we are going to talk about the latest NCVER (National Centre for Vocational Education Research) report- “Beyond the Standard: motivators of high-performing RTOs” in this blog.
The blog, “How to be the best performing RTO” will highlight the key motivators for RTO success and RTO performance. So, let us begin.
Purpose of the Report
The new report named, “Beyond the Standard: motivators of high-performing RTOs” has the purpose to explore key motivations and motivators of successful RTOs across Australia.
What did the report aim to find out
In the words of NCVER, the report wanted to find out:
- What is high performance?
- How do you embed high performance into RTO operations?
- How do you measure high performance?
- How do others know that your RTO is high-performing?
- What motivates your RTO to pursue high performance?
It is clear the report revolves around the performance of RTOs and performance motivators as well as RTOs implement high performing practices in their operations. Let us see what the highlights of the report are.