Are you and RTO owner or manager worried about the ASQA registration fee? You are not alone. Many RTOs find the fee to be a significant financial burden. The ASQA registration fee is an annual charge that all RTOs must pay. It is used to cover the costs of ASQA’s regulatory activities, such as provider audits and compliance monitoring.
In this blog, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the ASQA registration fee, including how it is calculated, what it covers, and how to pay it. We will also provide some tips on how to reduce your ASQA registration fee.
What is ‘s Registration Fee
The ASQA registration fee is an annual charge that all RTOs must pay. It is used to cover the costs of ASQ’s regulatory activities, such as provider audits and compliance monitoring.
Why is the ASQA registration fee necessary
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) registration fee is necessary to ensure that ASQA has the resources it needs to regulate the VET sector effectively. By regulating the VET sector, ASQA helps to protect students and employers from low-quality training providers.
How is the ASQA fee calculated
The ASQA registration fee is calculated using a The first metric is the total number of qualifications and courses on a provider’s scope. The second metric is the number of unique students enrolled by a provider in the preceding calendar year.
Case Study: Community Care RTO Pty Ltd
This case study from ASQA’s website shows how the annual registration charge (ARC) is calculated for a real-world example.
Community Care RTO Pty Ltd is a not-for-profit provider that offers courses and qualifications. It has 3 qualifications, 2 accredited courses, and 3 units of competency on its explicit scope of registration as at 1 July.
In the last calendar year, it enrolled 1190 students in the above training products.
To calculate the ARC for this provider, it is determined to sit in tier 2 for qualifications and tier 3 for a number of students. This is because units of competency are not counted as qualifications for the purposes of the ARC calculation, and students enrolled in individual units of competency are not counted as students for the purpose of the ARC calculation.
Using the Annual Registration Charge (ARC) scale, the ARC payable will be $6300 and will be invoiced in July.
This case study shows how the ARC is calculated based on the number of qualifications and courses on a provider’s scope of registration, as well as the number of unique students enrolled by a provider in the preceding calendar year.